Tuesday, July 18, 2006

capitalists would be re-educated by one of the following methods:
1) losing their jobs and suffering from unemployment without benefits
2) being sent abroad, with their children, to make shoes in a sweatshop or go blind producing computer chips
3) taking on the task of cleaning America's waterways

an army of librarians comprise the secret police. their primary task is to control the stupidity of the populace. of course, some will have to be sacrificed for the greater good.

corporations and senators wither into history while non-profits, NGOs, the old state bureaucracies, and academics (because they are obviously so effective) take over.

all european import luxury cars (and lexuses, for good measure) would become state property so that the uber intelligentsia could ride in style (while planning the fate of THE WORLD. c'mon! it is a pretty special job).

Wal-mart would be nationalized and renamed the People's Discount Store. Production of needless crap would be halted immediately. Resources that formerly went into useless crap would be rerouted for state-approved necessities.

the meat industry only exists for people like me who can't digest vegetarian forms of protein.